Sunday, September 14, 2014

GOOOO Killer Bees!!

This Saturday Grey played in his very first soccer game!!  In a word, it was HILARIOUS!!  Also, Coach Jones has the patience of a SAINT!  He is so good with the kids. At one point, Grey kept "accidentally" tackling the other players, and Coach Jones calmly called out "Greyson, buddy, try not to grab the other kids!" Oh my goodness it was so entertaining!
Representing the team and flipping the coin!

We may have technically gotten our butts kicked, but everyone wins in under 5 soccer! Which is good since Grey defiantly announced after the game that the Killer Bees beat the Dragons! Ha! The best part of it all was that Grey was listening to the coaches so well that when they told him where to stand, he stood there like a good little soldier and watched as the ball rolled right past him! Ha!  SO funny!
Game face! BUZZZZZZZ! 

Super Fans!

#1!!  He was SO excited that was his number!

Coach Jones--the most encouraging guy ever! 

He's ready! 

Right before he took down the sweet smiley blonde kid next to him:(

Grey's game day girlie! 

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