You might have noticed that I always refer to her on the blog as being "little"or "petite," and that is because SHE IS SO TINY! We haven't taken her to see the pediatrician since she was 6 weeks old because our doctor allowed us to go ahead and get all of her 2 month vaccines at that visit. We finally went back to the pediatrician for her 4 month check up (photo below), and her tiny stature has been confirmed (it's not just my imagination:)!

Elizabeth is a whopping 12.5 pounds (14th percentile), and a huge 22 inches long (1st percentile?!?!), BUT, like her big brother, she has lots of brains and her head is measuring in the 85th percentile:) I cannot believe how small she is! I know that Jared and I aren't exactly giants, but to be in the 1% for height is so funny! I think she can go ahead and cross future WNBA star off her list:) The pediatrician could see that I was concerned and let me know that if she grows even half an inch this month she will be in the 15% for height, so at least there's that.
Just to compare, at 4 months Grey was 15 lbs and 24.75 inches (50% for both). Yowza!

In other developments, she has started teething this month. Her hands are constantly in her mouth, and she is drooling on all of her cute outfits!

She is also already starting to show signs that she has inherited her Mama's love of shoes. She is so funny about checking out her shoes and socks! She usually only does it after we get her dressed in the mornings too. These are the pictures I get when I try to take them after she's been dressed.

"Oh hey there bunny slippers!"

As she has gotten older she has started to become aware of her surroundings, and she gets really excited to see Grey and I, but she gets super pumped when Jared comes into the room. It is some seriously heartwarming stuff. She lights up and gets all smiley and starts talking. Oh my goodness the love is just so palpable! Warm fuzzies!

This month Elizabeth got to celebrate GG's birthday! She went out to eat with all of us, and slept the whole time. Yea Elizabeth! Happy Birthday GG!

In serious news, we took her to see the ophthalmologist about her eye. If you zoom in on her photos you can see that she has a little divot/cut in her left upper eyelid (you can see it in the video above). She was born that way (cue Lady Gaga song) and the pediatrician was worried about it since it hasn't grown together. The ophthalmologist said that it was something we need to have corrected, so we are now going to see a pediatric ophthalmologist/plastic surgeon. I'm hoping that this is a quick and simple fix that she won't have to deal with in the future. We go next week for her consultation, so fingers crossed!
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