Happy Mother's Day to all the Mamas in our lives! We had a great weekend with our family and friends!
We started out in Wichita Falls celebrating Taylor Wagoner's big 1st birthday! Grey had fun playing at the park, and I love any chance to see Lindsay and the cheek twins!

That evening after the party Nana bought Grey a kite so we did some kite flying which he absolutely LOVED! Hard to take pics of this but here are my attempts:)

Such a big boy flying it all by himself! Eventually our Spider-Man kite was eaten by a tree, but it was fun while it lasted! He kept telling me, "No Mama I can do it myself!" Such an independent little fella.

We ate dinner that night at our fave Pioneer with Nana and Uncle Blake and Tom and Nanny, Bill, and the gang. It was fun!
Sunday morning we had Mother's Day breakfast with Nanny, Nana and Gramps. Yum!
Sunday afternoon we drove back to DFW to hang out with GG and Pops. Here are our attempts at Mother's Day photos:

Serious cheese face going on here. Silly boy!

Then Grey decided he would play photographer. Here is his first attempt at a selfie.

And the pic of our selfie attempt...

I'm so proud to be this little man's Mama. He is such a sweet little handful of independence and spirit. He is always surprising me with his imagination. I can't wait for him to meet and love his baby sister so he can teach her all kinds of fun stuff! Ha!
Happy Mother's Day everyone!
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