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So far, he hasn't had any trouble with them that we can see. He just continues to nosh on everything he can get his hands on. Here is a picture of him crawling to the flowerbed, where he attempted to eat some mulch! Yuck!!
Speaking of crawling and teething, we are in definite need of some baby proofing now! He has made attempts at our lamp cords, Minnie's dog food, you name it! I will be making a Babies R Us run for all the fun baby proofing gadgets in the next few days.
In other developments, Grey is babbling with the best of them! He is so funny with the "talking" these days. He is just on the cusp of saying "Dada" and meaning it. Whenever you say anything about Daddy, he turns to look for him, and he says Dada constantly, so I know he will connect the two pretty soon. He has said "Mama" lately, but I think I'm listening for it a bit too anxiously. Ha! I don't think he is actually anywhere near getting that one down, but one day he'll get it. He tends to "talk" to his toys as he is playing with them. It's pretty cute! He gets so excited and will talk and talk and talk, and then he looks around to see if you are watching him. As soon as you catch him, he starts smiling, and slapping the ground so excited! It's very entertaining!
In terms of food, he is eating so much these days! He is still having milk 3-4 times a day, and he is eating cereal/oatmeal for breakfast, a fruit, veggie, and more cereal/oatmeal for lunch, and a fruit or veggie for dinner. Eventually, later this month, we will have a full blown meal at dinner. I am working him up to the soft foods he can feed himself like avocado and banana, but that may take a while. I've tried giving him mashed potatoes and mashed beans, but he didn't want any part of that at all. He gave me the worst looking face ever! It was hilarious! I'll have to try to get a picture of that one. It's so cute when he looks at me like I've lost it! haha Oh just wait little man, there are years to come of that face I'm sure of it! So far, he really loves the peas and brown rice combo, and the squash and turkey combo. He also LOVES anything with blueberries! He has had the pear/blueberry and apple/blueberry combo, and he literally lunges at the spoon! That's my boy! Here is a picture of him dining al fresco last night. It was so nice outside, and he seemed to really enjoy it! The only downside to eating so many meals is that Greyson tends to get a bit restless. He is so good some days, and just takes care of business and eats his meal. Other days, okay that means most days, he is turning sideways, pushing his chair around, and trying to lean back instead of eating. It's like he finally discovered the world around him as soon as I put a spoon in front of him