Happy half a year Elizabeth! I can't believe it's been 6 months! I swear you were just born!

This month Elizabeth is hitting some major milestones. She is sitting up on her own and rolling all over the place! She is also starting to want to play with all of her cute little toys. And, she is just as chatty as ever!

She's still so tiny! She is almost up to 14 lbs (12%), she's 24.25 inches tall (3%) and her giant noggin is in the 95%! Geez! Her pediatrician wants us to have an ultrasound on her head just to make sure everything is ok (she promises it is purely precautionary, but of course my initial reaction was to completely flip out!). Knowing that Grey's head was always huge makes me a bit calmer though...

She is showing some big time interest in Minnie these days! Bless her heart because Greyson has ruined that dog for her! Minnie is terrified to go near her unless I'm holding her.

Another big moment this month is that she finally had some rice cereal...she kept it down for exactly 2 hours and then projectile vomited it all up! So we're moving on to try oatmeal instead and then, if that is a no-go, we will just go straight to green veggies! She is definitely a much pickier eater than her brother who would gobble up whatever I put in front of him!

Grey is loving that she can "play" now. He likes to bring we toys and then decide that she wants to share her toys with him...I imagine this becoming an issue as we get on through the year. 😊

Such a big girl! I can't believe we're getting close to the mobile baby stage!! Yikes!

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