I don't mean to brag, but I've got the best friends a girl could ask for! These lovely ladies threw Elizabeth the cutest Sprinkle!

It was so nice and everyone brought her the sweetest little gifts!

Oh yeah and there were ice cream sundaes:) Yum! Like I said, best friends ever!

I'm so blessed to have these girls in my life.

I got some of the cutest things--imagine lots of tulle and bows! This girl won't be hurting for clothes:)
Then, of course I cried, I do that a lot in this hormone enhanced stage. Ha! Mom wrapped up a bunch of the clothes she saved from when I was a baby, and the photo below is of an outfit that was actually hers, and then mine, and now Elizabeth's. So sweet! I can't wait until she's big enough to wear it for her own portrait one day.
Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate baby E! We're getting excited to meet her!