Greyson is 14 months old, and is so full of personality these days!
He is on the move! He is a big fan of running. Whether it's running around naked before we get him in the bathtub (sorry no tushy photos), running to greet his Daddy at the door in the evenings, or running like a mad man to get out the back door with Minnie. That last one is particularly's a constant game of rushing Minnie out without Greyson seeing her go out, or else he HAS to be outside with her. He also likes to run at you when you are sitting on the ground, as you can see, in the photos below when I was trying to take his picture! He decided to tackle me and when he "knocked me down" he thought that was pretty great! haha

Speaking of running, another fun new activity is to chase Minnie, or to let Minnie chase him. She thinks it's pretty great, especially because she gets to bark at him while he laughs and turns around to look at her. Although, he still hasn't quite got the turning and running thing down yet, so usually when he turns to look he falls down, and that's when he starts chasing her. (Can you believe I actually thought about getting another dog before he was born?! It's already a circus with just the one dog!) I'm still figuring out my fancy camera, so I haven't acquired the skills to get a picture of the running that isn't blurry, but here is a playing picture, and a resting picture after a big chase.
He's still a little baldy, but he's working on some hair as you can see in the picture below. You can see his little curl in the back, and it's almost like he needs a little trim back there, but not so much on top! Also, you can see that he is "reading" again. Now, he sounds like he is actually trying to read the book to you. It's pretty cute, except that he likes to rip the book out of your hands and then get mad at you when you don't turn the page?! Hopefully, we will get that straightened out this month! haha
Greyson also attended his first football game! The Marcus vs. Flower Mound game, better known as the "Battle of the Mound," is a big deal in our neck of the woods, so we decided to see if he could handle it. Unfortunately, the game didn't start until 7:30, but since it was sold out, we went a little early to make sure we could get seats.
He did pretty well for the most part, but at about 8:45 pm, with half time still several minutes away, the poor little guy just couldn't take it anymore and had a bit of a meltdown. Not too bad, but he was exhausted! His favorite parts were cheering with all the fans (lots of clapping), dancing to the music (especially on "Jump Around 3rd down!"--thank you 90's House of Pain), and the endless supply of puffs Mommy packed to keep him happy :)

Speaking of dancing, Greyson loves to move to the music! It's so funny! Here is a video of him dancing while I was watching Glee one day. It's no House of Pain "Jump Around," but the moves are just as sweet :) (please excuse my toes and the over abundance of toys--do those ever get to go away?:)